I am currently a student at at Shanghai AI Laboratory (shlab).

My research interest includes multimodal large language models(MLLMs) and retrieval-argument generation(RAG).

🔥 News

📝 Selected Publications


RAR:Retrieving And Ranking Augmented MLLMs for Visual Recognition

Ziyu Liu*, Zeyi Sun*, Yuhang Zang, Wei Li, Pan Zhang, Xiaoyi Dong, Yuanjun Xiong, Dahua Lin, Jiaqi Wang

Combining retrieving and ranking with multi-modal large language models to revolutionize perception tasks such as fine-grained recognition, zero-shot image recognition, and few-shot object recognition. Our method opens up new avenues for research in augmenting the MLLM’s abilities with the retrieving-augmented solution and could be beneficial for other tasks such as reasoning and generation in future works.


🎖 Honors and Awards

  • 2023.07, Meritorious award, Mathematical Contest in Modeling and Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM), COMAP.
  • 2022.05, National Second Prize, China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling(CUMCM), China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics(CSIAM).
  • 2022.05, Finalist award, Mathematical Contest in Modeling and Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM), COMAP.

📖 Educations

  • 2020.09 - 2024.06, Undergraduate, Wuhan University.